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SHOPWEB is one of the best Education Software Provider Company in India. Our services are World class services among all software companies. We provide School / College Management software which helps Organization to manage to end the activity. We are focusing low, middle end school and college, who are able to manage their organization at a good price.
E Communication pupils are capable to easily communicate with their fellow beings for notes, new topic discussion and many more. Mentors and Parents are directly communicate with each other and can keep track of their youngster performance easily.
Accessible anytime, anywhere: - As software’s are based on cloud-server, tutors, students, parent can access it at anytime and from anywhere. Parents and Pupils will be informed every important information, all they require is mobile and internet facility.
School Transport Tracking: Irrespective of whether you are the parent or the principal, GPS are enabled school transport vehicles lets and assists you in tracking the location of it and helps in make sure your child’s safety.
Go paperless:-Utilize of smart phones and software is an environment friendly way to control school instead of using paper and pen.
Easy Installation: This kind of software is very easy to install. Once installed, you are able to set up and configure according to your and the settings of the school.
System Alert: When the school fees are due, a student is absent, homework is incomplete and parents receive notification or message to remind them about their student.
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